
Cevrina Reed

Cevrina Reed experienced out-of-home care as a child at Parkerville Children’s Home and in Churches of Christ foster homes. She is a committed volunteer and a powerful advocate for care leavers. Cevrina is active in raising community awareness of care leaver issues and has given public presentations to Social Work students at the University of WA; to aged care service providers and managers; and to delegates at the 2016 WACOSS Annual Conference and the 2018 AASW Trauma Informed Symposium.  In 2017, Cevrina spoke at a Records Summit at Monash University in Melbourne, and in 2019 she presented a paper on redress at the SHCY biennial conference in Sydney.

Cevrina represented Tuart Place at the 2022 ‘National Enabling Better Aged and Community Care Forum’ in Brisbane, where her powerful audio-visual presentation on the impact of redress payments on aged care fees was screened.  Presentation available at:

In April 2023, Cevrina was co-Master of Ceremonies at the National Aged Care Roundtable’s online event for Care Experienced History Month.