
Margo O’Byrne

Margo spent six years of her childhood as a Ward of State in Queensland, in St Vincent’s Orphanage, St Patrick’s Convent Gympie, and with a foster family. She has written about her experience as a Forgotten Australian in a memoir, Left Unsaid.  Margo represents Tuart Place on the National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians and co-authored Tuart Place’s submission to the Aged Care Royal Commission.  She played a key role in developing the Aged Care Navigator position at Tuart Place and ran a training program for Care Leavers to help inform aged care services about the impact of institutional trauma.  Margo has more than 30 years’ experience as a facilitator and workplace coach in government, with not-for-profit groups, religious communities and the aged.  Margo has lived in Fremantle for more than 40 years and has strong connections with the local community.