Appreciations and Suggestions

We value your feedback which enables us to make our service better. We always aim to provide you with the highest quality service, help and support whilst developing a sense of community amongst our service users, staff and volunteers. Feedback may be in the form of appreciations or suggestions for growth and change.

Appreciations help us to know what we do well.
Suggestions can help us improve services and performance.

Appreciations and suggestions can be given verbally to the people involved or in writing and placed in the suggestion box at the entry to our premises. These can be anonymous if you prefer.

Complaints or Disputes

Complaints or disputes are of a more serious nature and include concerns that behaviours or treatment are not in accordance with our codes of conduct and/or involve bullying, discrimination or harassment. Conflicts with others may also be included in this category. Because of the seriousness of their nature these require a more formal procedure for assessment and resolution.

For initial complaints, please see the procedure below.

(NB For more serious disputes between FACT association members; a FACT association member and the association; or non-FACT association member service users, a dispute process is provided under Clause 24 of the Rules of Association).

Complaints Procedure

Who Can Use This Procedure?

Anyone who uses our services; FACT members and non-FACT members can complain using the following procedure.

As a first step we ask that you raise the concerns directly with the person concerned. You may ask a staff member for help to do this if it is difficult for you. This initial action can often readily resolve any misunderstandings involved.

If you are unable to, or uncomfortable using the direct approach or the concern is not resolved through this initial action, a formal process for submitting and resolving a complaint is described below.

Formal Process Initial Steps

Written complaints may be placed in the suggestion box at the entry to our premises, sent by email to; or posted to The Receiving Officer, Tuart Place, 24 High Street, Fremantle, 6160. If you need help writing the complaint, please ask reception staff to put you in touch with the Receiving Officer. You can use the Complaint Form (available to download below) if you wish to but there is no requirement to do so

The Receiving Officer will receive the complaint in the first instance. They will identify the appropriate channel for its progression and if it cannot be resolved at this stage or you are not satisfied with its progression, an impartial Complaints Officer will be identified who will be independent of all parties involved in the complaint or grievance. From this point on the complaint must be kept confidential other than from those directly involved. At any time you may contact the Receiving Officer to ask about the progress of your complaint.

Complaint Form